10 High-Traffic WordPress Websites

It can come as a great shock to many that some of the top websites in the world are using WordPress to manage their content. Surprisingly, this platform is often overlooked by beginners who are searching for a professional content hosting platform. However, WordPress is actually known as a mega technology, hosting over 27 million websites.
Additionally, its platform, Woocommerce, allows many businesses to sell their products or services online using WordPress. But, you don’t have to take our word for it. Here are ten top brands who built their websites utilizing the WordPress platform:
1. Chegg.com
Traffic Load: Very High
Tech Budget: $10,000+
Chegg is the go-to platform for students who need a little help. They offer textbook rentals, homework solutions, and forums for learners. This education hub leans heavily on the WordPress platform to reliably deliver their content to millions of users.
2. CarFax.com
Traffic Load: Very High
Tech Budget: $10,000+
Since this CarFax entered the market, the purchase of a used car has not been the same. They provide access to vital information that makes the investment of a used car a significantly easier process. With that much responsibility, it is no wonder they trust WordPress to host their content.
3. BusinessInsider.com
Traffic Load: Very High
Tech Budget: $10,000+
Another company with a tech budget well over the ten-thousand-dollar mark is Business Insider. This media conglomerate relies on the power of WordPress to deliver the latest scoop on any top story.
4. Canva.com
Traffic Load: Very High
Tech Budget: $2000+
Despite this Australian content creation website’s modest budget compared to other mentions on this list, Canva is a real powerhouse. Relying on WordPress, they provide tools for their users to create graphics and host content that teaches their users how to use their technologies.
5. BoredPanda.com
Traffic Load: Very High
Tech Budget: $1000+
BoredPanda is a Chinese website that would cease to function without a powerful method of content delivery. They provide their users with gratuitous levels of content to consume. Evidently, they are one of the most popular websites on the Internet powered by WordPress.
6. Booking.com
Traffic Load: Very High
Tech Budget: $10,000
Booking.com is the world’s premier travel website, providing millions of users with a service that connects them to travel discounts. Undeniably, this travel resource uses WordPress to provide its customers with useful travel tips.
7. CBS News Radio
Traffic Load: Very High
Tech Budget: $10,000
CBS is one of the largest broadcasting and entertainment companies in the world. Since they started in radio in 1927, they have established themselves as experts in content delivery. Undoubtedly, if this top brand uses WordPress to deliver its content, it is good enough for anyone.
8. Envato.com
Traffic Load: Very High
Tech Budget: $2,000
Envato is the premier distributor of assets for creative projects. This subscription-based content provider uses WordPress to deliver helpful information to all of their burgeoning creative professional users. Consequently they are one of the best-known brands among any serious web professionals.
9. Americanexpress.com
Traffic Load: Very High
Tech Budget: $10,000
This Canadian credit card brand does business with some of the most high-profile clients imaginable. Surely one of the most well-known credit card brands, American Express trusts WordPress to keep them on the up and up.
Traffic Load: Very High
Tech Budget: $10,000
Shutterstock provides some of the best stock photography on the planet. They are also a top provider of professional-grade design and video assets. Indeed, this site uses WordPress to deliver powerful advice on their blog to ensure their business can continue well into the future.